
Showing posts from February, 2020

Sterilization of Medical Products by Gamma Irradiation

Sterilization is an essential aspect of preventing materials and the human body from getting in contact with germs. It is also crucial in stopping the spread of germs that may occur. Therefore there are different types of sterilization of medical products available in the medical field. Gamma irradiation is used in sterilizing the human tissues and other connective tissues like those of the tendons, bone ligaments and many others. This process of sterilization is commonly used on medical products because it kills all bacteria by breaking down the DNA and inhibits the bacterial division. The gamma rays are passed through the equipment and disrupt bacteria that cause contamination. Gamma Irradiation Benefits It is, however, essential to know that the irradiation process has no effect on radioactivity in the processed item. Therefore there is a possibility of achieving complete penetration of the thickness of the material. Gamma irradiation had got several uses. The pri...